Case Study

Assessment reveals potential for carbon credit generation for Humanitarian Aid organization

red cross flag at sea with yellow flag

Partner: SOFIES (now DSS+)

Analysis of emissions reductions potential showed opportunities for the certification of emissions reductions in humanitarian activities and the possibilities for monetizing them as carbon credits.

The Story

Analyze the project activities of the organization for carbon credits

The client needed a thorough assessment of their projects and there viability for emissions reductions and crediting.

We conducted an initial study of emission reduction potentials of a large portfolio of annual projects aimed at supporting populations in conflict zones and emergency areas. As humanitarian projects require a rapid intervention that do not always facilitate the use of low carbon technologies, our client wanted to explore how a carbon credit certification processes could be implemented to support the use of more climate friendly technologies. 

We analyzed the emissions reductions potential additionality and MRV criteria for different types of projects and proposed different scenarios that could facilitate the use of more energy efficient technologies, including drinking water, efficient cooking and distributed energy.

Setting out the roadmap for work and adaptations

We created a roadmap document detailing the work and adaptations needed from the organization, then we highlighted alternative scenarios for carbon crediting. This included strategic recommendations to register and certify an organization’s activities for carbon credit generation.

A final report and presentation was delivered with all the findings. This summarized the costs, benefits, and risks of the different options to generate carbon credits and related revenues, and the methodologies used to conduct the study. 

What did the assessment achieve?

The assessment showed the potential for monetizing emissions reductions projects and the opportunity to design a framework to standardize and accelerate individual projects in the future. In addition to this, a roadmap for the design and implementation of carbon offset projects with opportunities and challenges was delivered.

Drivers of change

Supporting a transformational change

With such as approach the organization would be able to continue their commitment to humanitarian efforts while generating revenues from reducing their GHG emissions. These are substantial given the size of the organization and their projects.

Lessons Learned

It has to be recognized that it can be very difficult to attract carbon finance, given the requirements for validation and verification of emissions reduction activities, in  projects which need rapid deployment. This has the danger of making emissions reduction technologies in these types of projects unfeasible for carbon market participation. Simply put, the priority is humanitarian aid and if there is a risk that the carbon certification process slows projects down, then they will be unwilling to take that risk.